- No.
And the reason:
- Because we are able to get our hands on limitless information and see issues from all sides of the spectrum.
But I have another question to ask:
- Is everyone really venturing into unfamiliar territory and seeking out information they don't necessarily agree with?
I guess only you can answer that question. I have never really thought of an answer to this question, but I'd have to say, personally, i really don't explore to much outside of my realm. I'm satisfied with just reading/hearing what i want to see/hear and I rarely seek out opinions of people with contrasting views from myself. I feel my upbringing partially has something to do with this because i was raised a catholic in a mainly all white neighborhood. I think coming to school at American has helped to broaden my views, but there is still things that can be done.
I feel we look for information more so to back up our thoughts and not something that refutes it. I say this as I look information that backs me up.
I agree with Brian to an extent. I have learned that I have to research and know the other side of issues in order to argue correctly. I tend to seek out opposing opinions to stir my head up a little bit.
Anything that fires you up tends to get you thinking more..
I wouldn't totally agree with what Steve said. I think there are millions of uneducated people that only use the internet very superficially meaning they only see and read what google and yahoo is showing. These people do not know and don't have the skills to navigate the internet and find recent news and information. There are also millions of people living in socialistic countries. Governments in these countries control what kind of information their respectie citezens can access.
I agree, the internet isnt going to change people's core values/views. However, I do think it can have an impact on people who are on the fence, or in the middle. Does this mean the internet polarizes, I don't think so.
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