Sunday, April 13, 2008

Buddy Beacon: Worth the Money?

This idea of buddy beacon really intrigued me when i read about it. At first i really didnt see the point because why do you really need to stalk your friends and know exactly where they are at all times?

But the more i thought about it, the better the idea seemed to be. I first perceived it to be just another way for people to stalk others, but you have to authorize whether or not you want to be traced. But then i started thinking about the good things that could happen. Lets say you lose your phone (which happens way too much for some people), you can link it to your friends phone if they have the feature and track it down a lot easier. And it could also work for missing friends, because lets face it, sometimes on friday and saturday nights after a few too many drinks people tend to wander off without a word so this could be a real life saver.

It is pretty expensive, which may also turn people off; however, i think it would be a worth while investment. You just have to make sure not to tell your stalker friends about it or you may never have a moment of peace again.


David R. said...

i guess I can see how this service has some benefits but for the most part it definitely doesnt seem worth the money. The instances where you absolutely have to know where someone is are few and far between. And in thos ecases, you can usually just call or text them.

Ashley M said...

It just seems way to stalkerish I agree. We don't need to know where everyone is at all times. We already ruin privacy with annoying text messages and blackberry's going off every 2 minutes.