- (I won't a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries.. fo free- its EXTREMELY crude and vulgar so i wont link to it but i think its funny so if you want to watch it go ahead)
Anyway, youtube has grown to become a major staple in the life of a web surfer because friends are constantly emailing each other to check out this funny video, or people are putting videos up of themselves for the world to see (my 5 year old godson is on youtube doing the soulja boy). Because of this I feel the power of youtube is limitless. Videos are somewhat monitored but people can put up whatever videos they want and have them broadcasted for the world to see. As I saw in the article about the spoofs on youtube, people can take shots at companies or products because they have the freedom to. As long as this freedom remains, I don't see youtube ever losing steam.
I agree 100% to what Steve said. Youtube is becoming a very powerfull tool that people can use to their benefit. All it takes is to produce an interesting video that people will be inetrested in seeing and wallaaaa, you have thousands of people watching your video.
I also agree that youtube has become a daily website for most of the people that actively navigate on the internet.
It's hard to say something will never lose steam just because of competition. Companies now are using youtube to secretly advertise and that can get scary because people can stop going to these sites. There are also now these viral videos that are even scripted. When it loses its validity can lose customers.
Exactly. Even though I am 100% in support of companies using Youtube for viral marketing purposes, I do agree that if it becomes so apparent it will take the "coolness" out of Youtube and it will lose its validity. This happened to MySpace but hopefully Google understands a little better then they did about the negative effects of commercialization on UGC sites.
I used to love Youtube but ow I get annoyed with it. There are so many false videos that just end up being ads it drives me crazy. YouTube is still useful for specific videos you know you want to lookup but it has lost its appeal for general surfing.
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