Sunday, February 24, 2008

Does Facebook really give you less privacy?

Okay i had a long weekend at my conference track meet, where me and brian killed people and won one of our relays, so I'm getting into this, enjoy it because its right..

This seems to be a hot topic nowadays and i touched on it briefly in a previous blog because a team at my school got in trouble by the athletic administration for some questionable photos they were posting. But does facebook really give us less privacy?

I don't think it does because in the end we are the ones putting everything out there for the world to see. People aren't forcing us to put up a photos of ourself doing a 40 second keg stand. We think its sweet and we want the rest of the world to see. Is that a problem? No, not a all. If you can do a 40 second keg stand more power to you. But don't go around complaining if you get grief from an employer or someone else.

Privacy settings also allow you to only have your friends view that sensitive material, and you can even limit some friends from seeing parts of your profile. So when it comes down to it, who make the final call as to how private or unprivate you want your facebook? You that's who.

I just wanted to link in the facebook privacy settings policy. Notice how often they use the word "YOU"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Every time a new trend springs up, there are always its critics. Same with facebook.

Like you said, this is a personal responsibility issue. You are the one that put up the picture, your contact info, etc. Only you are to blame.

Facebook has done a great job, like you pointed out, protecting its member's privacy. Only if some of their critics actually read the link you put up, they might finally realize that it is you and only you that determine how private you want your facebook profile to be.